Bayeux embroidery

Creativity with Threads and Needle by Jeannine Cook

Well over two years of patient embroidering, stitch by stitch, to create a wonderful needlework panel about medieval pilgrims crossing the south of France on their way to Santiago de Compostela: that is Alain Dodier’s recent achievement. A true work of art, it is well worth enjoying on YouTube.

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When Art and Embroidery United - Part 2 by Jeannine Cook

Visiting master embroiderer Alain Dodier in Sainte Valiere, Southern France, was like straying into a medieval scriptorium, save that Alain is very much of our time Nonetheless, as he creates intricate vivid scenes in silk embroidery threads, using Bayeux stitching that harks back to the 11th century, his passion and dedication to historical detail and fidelity reminded me of the slow and painstaking creation of illuminated manuscripts that tell stories of great import to Western culture. His seven-meter panel about the Pilgrims’ Route to Santiago de Compostela is one such work.

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When Art and Embroidery Unite - Part 1 by Jeannine Cook

When art meets embroidery in a dark, complex historical tale of Southern France and takes five thousand hours to tell the story, this implies passion, skill, dedication and a deep sense of our need, in today’s world, not to indulge in such destruction. It is an amazing feat of story-telling.

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